Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Creature Of Habit

Everybody has their own special routine, correct? It may not be as extensive as Rachel Berry's nightly moisturizing routine from Glee, but it's a routine no less. Well let's just say that I can't start my routine until Sparkie is done with his morning routine. Perhaps it is better to say that he has me trained...?
Every morning, the first thing I have to do is help Sparkie get outside. We have a dog door, but it's rather heavy because it's plexiglass so we help him get out. He always run in the morning. It is safe to say that he is a morning person... er... morning dog. So while Sparkie is getting his morning fresh air, I go fill his bowl. By the time both food bowls are filled, both dogs come running inside and devour their food. I don't think they actually taste it, they just inhale the food.
If you think the morning routine is bad, the night time routine is pretty bad too. The dogs know that they are to be fed at exactly 6:00 pm. My mom usually gets home from work around 6:00 also. It is safe to say that it sometimes can be a crazy time in the house. When the dogs are hungry, they are wired for sound. Even a pin dropping, they will start running through the house barking. they will do whatever it take to get my attention. Yesterday was one of my favorites though, at exactly 5:59, Blew came trotting up to me, hopped up on the couch and kissed my face. When the clock read 6:00 Sparkie walked in the room I was in and stared at me. It was safe to say that my dogs were hungry. My dogs are spoiled (as if that wasn't already known.) They are fed kibble  in the morning, and a raw meat patty mixed with kibble at night. So as I mixing their food, Blew sits in the kitchen while a line of drool comes out of his mouth. Sparkie of course cannot contain his excitement. He jumps on the side of the counter while he is barking. When I go to set the bowls down, he is so excited and so happy (and probably thinks I am going just way too slow) that he is running circles.
So what do you think, does he have me trained, or is he just a creature of habit?

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